bomy Streamlined
Bomy Josh Angulo True Performance

The intersection of performance and quality

Reaching, gibing, speeding, jumping, tacking, wave riding, tricks, fun, it is all better.

“Josh Angulo True Performance” booms are maxed out for performance in every respect. They are tested and proven and by Josh Angulo. He says they are the best booms he has ever used. The proof is in the performance. The powerful over hand friendly curve, the lightness, the stiffness, the strength, the small grip, the "Strap-on" head, the tight and light tail. You must sail this boom and experience this well balanced combination of simple, well executed ideas. It represents a whole new level of performance for you. It makes sailing more fun, more comfortable, and actually easier for all maneuvers.

* Unique straight forward boom curve. komfortowe i ergonomiczne. Your front hand can be overhand and powerful.
* dwie szerokości, wąska do surf, pełna do slalom.
* konstrukcja 98% carbon fiber prepreg , super lekka, super sztywna, super mocna.
* głowica Streamlined "Strap-on". Rigid and durable.
* Small grip diameter with Streamlined's own formula, light to the touch, yet super durable, boom grip.
* Precision easy adjusting, 50 cm adjustment range with 2 cm increments.
* Ultra small and light tail piece with secure 4 to 1 outhaul.
* Quality construction throughout, every detail.

Szerokości Narrow surf [40cm w najszerszym punkcie wewnątrz bomu]
* 140cm - 190cm, 2.1kg
* 155cm - 205cm, 2.2kg
* 170cm - 220cm, 2.3kg
Szerokości Full slalom [50cm w najszerszym punkcie wewnątrz bomu]
* 175cm to 225cm, 2.4kg
* 195cm to 245cm, 2.5kg